Gaming Tips for First Time VR Headset Owners

Having your VR headset on hand may make you want to jump immediately into the virtual world. Before doing so, here are some gaming tips that will help you elevate your experience further. VR headsets include a number of buttons that allow you to adjust the fit, and it’s amazing how much one simple tug with a Velcro strip can influence comfort. Depending on the individual’s needs, investing in a headset with additional comfort features may be justified.

The Oculus Quest 2 has a single Velcro strap on top, two pulleys on the back, and three IPD adjustments (the space between your eyes). The Valve Index, on the other hand, is loaded with comfort features, such as an IPD slider with much more than three levels and a nob to adjust the distance between your eyes and the lenses. To accommodate differing hand sizes, the controls can also be tightened or loosened.

Graphical Settings

It’s frustrating to have to lower a game’s graphical settings in order to play it on a monitor. It’s disappointing to reduce a game’s graphical settings in order to squeeze out a few more precious frames on a monitor. The settings of a game in virtual reality may signify the distinction between heart-pounding activity and other biological functions.

By lowering some of those settings and boosting your frame rate, you may find it easier to deal with fast motion and diverse moving parts. The Index and Quest 2 headsets provide a choice of refresh rates, and the Index also lets you change the render resolution. While this is not optimal for graphics, it does work.

Be Careful of Motion Sickness

Players may become sick as a result of motion that is not exactly in tune with what the mind anticipates. This might be because the game doesn’t handle motion effectively, or because your setup isn’t keeping up (dropping frames, too low refresh rate, freezing screens, etc). Obviously, a lot relies on the individual personally – one must become acclimated to VR motion, and some people adapt faster than others.

The power with which you swing a weapon or toss an object is less essential in many games than the distance you moved it. It is instead about the range with which the bat is swung; the space between the start and end of a swing is crucial.

As long as you’re within the proper range, the speed of a basic high five is typically enough to eliminate an opponent or launch a grenade. VR controllers will take some practice to figure out what that range is, especially since it fluctuates from game to game, but it will maintain your arms (as well as your elbows, shoulders, and wrists) in good health.

Basic VR Headset Care

Wiping your lenses can help maintain the life of your VR headset. The frequency with which you’ll need to do this will vary based on the titles you play (VR has anything from action games to great romance games) and how hard you breathe while wearing the VR headset. Fortunately, microfiber cloth packages are moderately priced. They will keep lenses gleaming for a long period if kept clean and clear of dust and grime.

There are several accessories available that will enhance a VR headset’s capabilities while also prolonging its life cycle. Some are also inexpensive. A machine-washable mask cover will keep an old, stale mask smelling and feeling fresh for years to come. Some low-cost accessories, such as a screen protector for a smartphone or tablet, are practically required.

It might be difficult to join a friend in a VR game if they purchased their copy from a different shop. It’s important to realize that this changes from game to game, but it’s a common issue. Steam and Oculus, for example, have distinct buddy systems, and not all titles provide a straightforward way to make in-game friend requests or invite people to a game.

Best VR Games

Virtual reality already has a plethora of amazing games. Some of the best VR games include War Thunder, Elite: Dangerous, Subnautica, Phasmophobia, Project: Wingman. Furthermore, games like Elite: Dangerous include some of the most stunning VR visuals available.

Playing wired has various difficulties. However, because most HMDs do not enable wireless play, this is the most usual way to play VR these days. Playing wireless allows you to roam about freely without being hampered by an inconvenient cord — it is certainly a great experience. You have a few alternatives for this with the Oculus Quest. You may just play Oculus Quest native games (no PC required) – this works right away.

Some gaming tips: begin with simple activities and/or games. Don’t just put folks on roller coasters and the like, which may be a lot of fun. Begin with something simple, such as the “Home” surroundings found in every VR headset. Some VR controllers enable you to walk about, grasp objects, or draw shapes in the air (SteamVR does a great job with this).

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